Accidents can happen at any time and the Christmas period is no exception.
If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident during the holiday period (and assuming you are not admitted to hospital for a prolonged period) here are our top tips:-
- Make an appointment to see your GP as soon as possible;
- Obtain a copy of the police report or alternatively make a report of the collision to SAPOL;
- Keep all out-of-pocket receipts ie for a copy of the police report;
- Keep all out of pocket receipts for all medical consultations/treatment, scans and medications – there is the potential to seek reimbursement should you have an accepted claim in the future;
- Keep a record of all absences from employment and supporting payslips;
- Keep a record of all assistance provided to you by family members including hours and tasks;
- Keep a travel log to and from medical appointments.
Then call us on 8357 7611 for an initial enquiry after we return on 8 January 2024 to speak about a potential claim.